Archangel and Spirit Oils by Anubeion

Archangel and Spirit Oils by Anubeion



Archangel and Spirit Oils by Anubeion

Doc Solomon’s is proud to announce the addition of magical oils made by Anubeion’s Laurie Romano to our catalog! Magical oils are used in a wide variety of traditions for many purposes, limited only by the imagination. Common uses are for anointing, blessing, consecrations, and as augmentation of other magical works such as gris gris, charms, talismans, and in candle magic.

Price: $28.49 (4 dram)


These oils can also be used to care for Angel and Spirit statues and as a devotional tool when working with the Archangels, as well as having a role in ritual work, planetary magic, angelic magic, chthonic magic, evocation, and just about any purpose designated by the practitioner.

Our Archangel and Spirit Oils are hand made by Laurie Romano. They require magically timed preparation during a Waxing Moon, using ingredients sacred to the entity. These generally include herbs, essential oils, and a carrier oil as a base; but can also include other items that suit the purpose of the blend. Laurie uses the best available essential oils and herbs, sourced locally or from small businesses that use organic growing techniques, and no petroleum based solvents.

Cassiel is the Archangel of Saturn, Saturday, and the seventh and highest Heaven. He is the angel of solitude and tears, and is said to preside over the death of kings. He is a dark and foreboding being, often depicted with shadowy bat-like wings and riding upon a dragon – thus indicating his close association with the underworld. Saturn is traditionally associated with necromancy and the dead.


Sachiel (Zadkiel) is the Righteousness of God. He is an extremely exalted angel in charge of the sphere of Chesed (Divine Mercy) and the sixth heaven, the angelic choir of Chashmalim (the Brilliant Ones), and is the supreme archangel of Jupiter and Thursday. He is one of the Seven who stand eternally before God. He is the angel of righteousness, benevolence, mercy, forgiveness and freedom.


Samael is the Archangel of Mars, Tuesday, and the fifth heaven. He is also known as Khamael, archangel of the sphere of Gevurah (Severity) and the angelic choir called Seraphim (Fiery Serpents). He is one of the Seven who stand eternally before God. He is lord of war and pestilence, and angel of death and destruction. He is the Sathan (Adversary) who accuses men of their wrongdoings in the Divine Court. Samael should not be confused with the modern Christian concept of Lucifer or the Devil. Samael is not the source of all evil, nor did he ever wage war upon the Throne of God.


Michael is the Archangel of the Sun, ruler of Sunday, and the fourth Heaven. He co-rules the spheres of Tiphareth (Majesty) and Hod (Splendor), and the choirs of Malachim (Angels) and Beni Elohim (Sons of God), with Raphael. He is one of the Seven who stand eternally before God. He is the representative of God’s Light here on Earth, and the highest archangel (besides Metatron himself), sitting at the right-hand of the Divine Throne. Some traditions also consider him an angel of Elemental Fire, in which aspect he is one of the four primary Archangels who surround the Divine Throne. He is the General of the Heavenly Armies, the High Priest of the Celestial Temple, Patron of Israel and the quintessential Guardian Angel. He is patron to soldiers (especially para-troopers and pilots), police officers and warriors of all types.


Anael (Hanael), the Joy of God, is the Archangel of Venus, Friday, and the third Heaven. As Hanael, she is the Archangel of Netzach (Victory) on the Tree of Life, ruler of the choir of Elohim (Gods), and is one of the Seven who stand eternally before God. She embodies passion, inspiration, lust, beauty, and all things associated with Venus. In practical terms, she is often equated with such Goddesses as Aphrodite, Hathor, Ishtar, Inanna, and Isis.


Raphael is the Archangel of Mercury, Wednesday and the second Heaven. He co-rules the spheres of Tiphareth (Majesty) and Hod (Splendor), and the choirs of Malachim (Angels) and Beni Elohim (Sons of God), with Michael. He is one of the Seven who stand eternally before God. Some traditions also consider him the Archangel of Elemental Air, in which aspect he stands as one of the four ruling Archangels surrounding the Throne of God. In all cases he is primarily an angel of healing and medicine. He is also the patron of travelers, the blind, happy meetings, nurses, physicians, medical workers, matchmakers, marriage, language, technology, magick (especially Hermeticism), and education.


Gabriel is the Archangel of the Moon, Monday, and the first Heaven; as well as the Archangel of Elemental Water. He is also the Archangel of the sphere of Yesod (the Foundation) upon the Tree of Life, and prince of the choir of Kherubim (the Strong Ones). He is one of the Seven who stand eternally before God, and one of the four Archangels who surround the Divine Throne, sitting upon the left-hand side of God. Gabriel is in charge of all things lunar and watery, including dreams, visions, divination. the subconscious, emotions and happiness.


Uriel (Auriel) is the Archangel of the material realm and Elemental Earth, and is one of the four ruling Archangels that surround the Throne of God. He directs the stars and planets in their courses, as well as serving as an Angel of Death, of Repentance, and an Avenging Angel on behalf of God. His association with Earth also sets him over nature and wildlife. His name indicates he embodies the Divine Light that shines in the darkness. In the grimoires, Uriel is the gatekeeper and intermediary between the magician and the angelic realm – often invoked for divination and/or to fetch other angels.


Metatron is the highest of all Archangels; often called the “Little YHVH” and even considered in some traditions to be the Demiurgos (active creator). Legend records that God decreed all angels must obey Metatron as if his words were those of God Himself. In Biblical literature, when a prophet saw a “figure as unto a man” sitting upon the Divine Throne, it was the image of Metatron he saw. Because of this, the Qabalah places him as the Archangel of the first sphere of Kether (the Crown) upon the Tree of Life, and prince of the choir of Chaioth haQodesh (Holy Living Creatures). This mighty Archangel is appealed to by Rabbis for instruction in Torah mysteries, and should only be called upon for the highest spiritual aspirations and guidance.


Raziel, the Mystery of God, is the Divine Record-keeper and the Archangel of the Fixed Stars (the zodiac). The Qabalah places him as Archangel of the sphere of Chockmah (Wisdom), and prince of the choir of Auphanim (Wheels). He stands within the Divine Court, recording all of the decrees spoken by the Creator. One of the mightiest of all Archangels, Raziel stands before the Divine Throne with his wings outstretched, to catch the fiery breath of the Holy Living Creatures who uphold the Throne, lest their breath consume all of the Heavens and Earth. His book, the Sepher Raziel (Book of the Secrets of God) has a legendary history and has been long sought-after by mystics.


Zaphkiel is the Archangel of the sphere of Binah (Understanding) on the Tree of Life, prince of the choir of Aralim (Thrones), and one of the Seven who stand eternally before God. He is a form of Cassiel, and is thus associated with the planet Saturn. Zaphkiel is said to aid in the making of important decisions, and can aid communication by helping one translate ideas into words.


Zadkiel is the Archangel of the sphere of Chesed (Mercy) on the Tree of Life, prince of the choir of Chashmalim (Brilliant Ones), and one of the Seven who stand eternally before God. He is a form of Sachiel, and is thus associated with the planet Jupiter. Zadkiel can be invoked for mercy, abundance, and to gain favor with others.

Khamael is another form of Samael. Khamael still embodies all the forces of Mars, power, courage, aggression, etc. He is a fierce warrior and protector. He, however, lacks the title haSathan, is not considered an Angel of Death, and neither accuses or persecutes mankind. In this form, the Qabalah places him as Archangel of the sphere of Gevurah (Strength) on the Tree of Life, prince of the choir of Seraphim, and he is one of the Seven who stand eternally before God.


Sandalphon is the prince of the physical realm, sharing the role with Uriel. However, where Uriel directs the motions of heavenly bodies, Sandalphon is associated closer with the Soul of the World or Shekhinah – the presence of the Divine inherent in the physical. He (or in some traditions, She) represents the natural world. The Qabalah places Her in the sphere of Malkuth (the Kingdom), where she rules the choir of Ishim (Fiery Souls). Where Sandalphon represents the Divine manifest into matter, Metatron represents pure transcendent Divinity.


Agiel is the Intelligence of the planet Saturn. He governs the lesser spirit of Saturn: Zazel.


Iophiel is the Intelligence of the planet Jupiter and the Archangel who tends the Garden of Eden. In some traditions he is one of the Seven Spirits that Stand before the Face of God. He presides over vegetation and produce, fertile fields and livestock, feasting and friendship, prosperity and happiness. He is also an angelic Prince of the Torah, and as such is one of the companion angels of Metatron.
It was Iophiel’s duty to drive the fallen Adam and Eve from the Garden – and it is implied that he guards the Gates of Eden with the Sword of Ever-Turning Flame to this day. If you’re looking for blessings from Paradise, you have to go through this Archangel. Fortunately, he likes humans and wants you to have those blessings – so long as you are willing to work or fight for the right to have them. He governs the lesser spirit of Jupiter: Hismael.


Graphiel is the Intelligence of the Planet Mars. He governs the lesser spirit of Mars: Bartzabel


Nakhiel is the Intelligence of the Sun. He governs the lesser spirit of Sol: Sorath.


Hagiel is the Intelligence of the planet Venus. She governs the lesser spirit of Venus: Qedemel.


Tiriel is the Intelligence of the Planet Mercury. He governs the lesser spirit of Merucry: Taphthartharath.


Malkah v’Tarshishim v’ad Ruachoth Shechalim (Malkah) is the Intelligence of the Moon. She governs the lesser spirit of Luna: Chashmodai.


Oriens Ruler of the Elementals of the East (Fire, Salamanders, Aries)-Oil contains cacia, rue, heliotrope, and other essential oils with an ibex feather.


Amaymon Ruler of the Elementals of the South (Gnomes, Earth, Capricorn)-Oil contains Oakmoss, patchouli, jasmine. (Can also use vetivert, juniper/cedar or wormwood when available).


Paymon Ruler of the Elementals of the West (Sylphs, Air, Libra)-Oil contains Verbena, galbanum, yarrow.


Ariton Ruler of the Elementals of the North (Undines, Water, Cancer) Oil contains Wisteria, musk, myrrh, opopanox.


Bune Spirit of Venus, #26 in the Goetia of Solomon. A strong, great, and mighty duke who appears as a Dragon with three heads (dog, griffin, and man). He “changeth the places of the dead, & causeth those spirits that are under him to gather together upon their sepulchers.” He also “giveth riches to a man and maketh him wise and eloquent, he giveth true answers to your demands, and governeth 30 Legions of spirits.”
Oil contains Dragon’s blood, frankincense, allspice, patchouli, and tobacco..

Laurie also creates custom oils designed for special purpose use to meet your own specifications. Contact us with your requirements, for information and a price quote.

(Click here to see our full catalog of powerful Oils!)

Additional information

Weight 0.125 lbs
Dimensions 2.75 × .75 × .75 in