Abramelin Silver Almadel

Abramelin Silver Almadel


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Abramelin Silver Almadel

The Book of Abramelin famously employs a square plate of silver (or “silver lamen”) for the purpose of skrying the Holy Guardian Angel. This is drawn from the “Almadel” or “Almandel” tradition, which utilizes reflective surfaces for the purpose of skrying. Originating with the practice of gazing into sacred pools and springs, the practice expanded to use nearly any reflective surface – from cups of wine, to pools of ink or oil, to polished plates of metal, magick mirrors, and (most famously) crystal shewstones.

Price: $98.95

Abramelin Silver Almadel

Our Silver Almadels are hand-made from sturdy 20 gauge silver-nickle alloy, cut 6 x 6 inches, and backed with felt. Each one is polished and wrapped in either white silk or white linen for shipping.

$98.95Read more

For other examples of Almadels, see our Tables of the Holy Fathers

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