Archangel Novena Candles (Fixed)
Novena candles are named for an ancient Christian ritual in which a Saint or Archangel is petitioned for help. Often lasting for nine successive days, the petitioner will kneel at the altar or icon for the Saint, lighting candles, offering flowers and other objects, and reciting the Rosary and other prayers for Divine intervention. Novena candles were created to burn for the entire nine days of the ritual (though they do not often last as long today). Now, such candles can be found with an image of a Saint, Archangel, Christ, etc – even including a prayer on the back of the label – for novenas and spell work performed at home.
Doc Solomon’s is proud to announce the addition of “fixed” and “dressed” Archangel Candles to our catalog.

Seven Archangels with Seals and prayers from the Heptameron.

Gabriel Candles also come in white with a silver label. Holy Guardian Angel candles have a gold label.

NEW! Candles for all seven Planetary Intelligences.
Currently, we offer consecrated spell candles for each of the Planetary Archangels as listed in the Heptameron and other Solomonic grimoires. We also offer Holy Guardian Angel candles. And now we have added the seven Planetary Intelligences, as listed in Agrippa’s Three Books.
Each candle is colored according to the angel’s Planet, consecrated according to the Key of Solomon, and “fixed” and “dressed” during the day and hour ruled by the angel with archangel oils (from Anubeion) and Doc Sol’s planetary suffumigation. The name and Seal of the angel decorates the front of the candle, and an invocation of the angel is conveniently provided on the back. In the case of the Holy Guardian Angel, its color is the white of spiritual purity, and it is fixed with Doc Sol’s own Abramelin incense and Abramelin Oil. The invocation on the back is crafted from several existing Catholic prayers to the Holy Guardian Angel.
These novena candles can be expected to burn for about three to five days. Use them as offerings upon your angel altars, or make them central to your spell work. (Try them in place of the smaller candles in our Spell Kits to super-charge your working!)
Use code ‘all7novenas’ at checkout.
Holy Guardian Angel [WHITE]
The Guardian Angel is assigned to no heaven, planet, or day of the week. It governs the rectification of your soul, and all that moves you closer to the Divine. It is the quintessence, your “head spirit”, your primary Teacher and Guide, and the Voice of God in your life. This candle is fixed on Sundays with Oil and Incense of Abramelin.
Cassiel (Zaphkiel, Qaphsiel) – Saturn [BLACK]
Cassiel is the Archangel of Saturn, of Saturday, and prince of the seventh heaven. He governs Time, Death, Responsibility, Strength Through Trial, Discipline, Diligence, Self-Control, Limitation, Patience, Stability, Maturity, Realism, Reliability, Trustworthiness, Patience, Courage, Steadfastness, Integrity, Destiny, Fate. This candle is fixed on Saturdays with Oil and Incense of Saaturn.
Sachiel (Zadkiel) – Jupiter [BLUE]
Sachiel is the archangel of Jupiter and Thursday, as well as the sixth heaven called Zebul. He is the angel of righteousness, benevolence, mercy, forgiveness, freedom, friendship and honor, prosperity, and abundance. This candle is fixed on Thursdays with Oil and Incense of Jupiter.
Samael (Camael, Khamael) – Mars [RED]
Samael is the Archangel of Mars, Tuesday, and prince of the fifth heaven, lord of war and pestilence, and angel of death and destruction. He is the Sathan (Adversary) who accuses men of their wrongdoings in the Divine Court. Samael should not be confused with the modern Christian concept of Lucifer or the Devil. Samael is not the source of all evil, nor did he ever wage war upon the Throne of God. This candle is fixed on Tuesdays with Oil and Incense of Mars.
Michael – Sol [YELLOW]
Michael is the Archangel of the Sun, of Sunday, and prince of the fourth heaven. He is the representative of God’s Light here on Earth. He is the General of the Heavenly Armies, the High Priest of the Celestial Temple, Patron of Israel and the quintessential Guardian Angel. This candle is fixed on Sundays with Oil and Incense of Sol.
Anael (Hanael) – Venus [GREEN]
Anael is the archangel of Venus, of Friday, and ruler of the third heaven. She governs sex, love, passion, creativity, inspiration, and beauty. This candle is fixed on Fridays with Oil and Incense of Venus.
Raphael – Mercury [ORANGE]
Raphael is the Archangel of Mercury, of Wednesday, and of the second heaven. He is primarily an angel of healing and medicine. He is the patron of travelers, the blind, nurses, physicians, medical workers, matchmakers, marriage, language, technology, magick (especially Hermeticism), and education.
This variation uses orange as the color of Mercury – a common modern color for the planet. This candle is fixed on Wednesdays with Oil and Incense of Mercury.
Raphael – Mercury [RAINBOW]
Raphael is the Archangel of Mercury, of Wednesday, and of the second heaven. He is primarily an angel of healing and medicine. He is the patron of travelers, the blind, nurses, physicians, medical workers, matchmakers, marriage, language, technology, magick (especially Hermeticism), and education.
This variation uses rainbow (multi-color) for Mercury – a more traditional Solomonic color for the planet. This candle is fixed on Wednesdays with Oil and Incense of Mercury.
Gabriel – Lunar [PURPLE]
Gabriel is the Archangel of the Moon, of Monday, and prince of the first heaven. In Biblical literature, Gabriel often appears with Divine messages, or to interpret dreams and visions. Gabriel is in charge of all things lunar and watery, including dreams, visions, divination. the subconscious, emotions and happiness.
This variation uses purple as the color of Luna – a common modern color for the planet. This candle is fixed on Mondays with Oil and Incense of Luna.
Gabriel – Lunar [WHITE]
Gabriel is the Archangel of the Moon, of Monday, and prince of the first heaven. In Biblical literature, Gabriel often appears with Divine messages, or to interpret dreams and visions. Gabriel is in charge of all things lunar and watery, including dreams, visions, divination. the subconscious, emotions and happiness.
This variation uses white and silver for Luna – more traditional Solomonic colors for the planet. This candle is fixed on Mondays with Oil and Incense of Luna.
Agiel – Saturn [BLACK]
Saturn and Saturday. Time, Death, Responsibility, Strength Through Trial, Discipline, Diligence, Self-Control, Limitation, Patience, Stability, Maturity, Realism, Reliability, Trustworthiness, Patience, Courage, Steadfastness, Integrity, Destiny, Fate. This candle is fixed on Saturdays with Oil and Incense of Saturn.
Iophiel (Jofiel) – Jupiter [BLUE]
Jupiter and Thursday. Righteousness, benevolence, mercy, forgiveness, freedom, friendship and honor, prosperity, and abundance. This candle is fixed on Thursdays with Oil and Incense of Jupiter.
Graphiel – Mars [RED]
Mars and Tuesday. War and pestilence, destruction, aggression, courage, battle, strength, power, tyranny. This candle is fixed on Tuesdays with Oil and Incense of Mars.
Nakhiel – Sol [YELLOW]
Sun and Sunday. Light, Life, Resurrection, Majesty, Beauty, Divinity, Spirituality, Healing, Exorcism, Judgement, Revelation, Knoweledge, Wisdom, Kingship. This candle is fixed on Sundays with Oil and Incense of Sol.
Hagiel – Venus [GREEN]
Venus and Friday. Sex, love, passion, creativity, inspiration, and beauty. This candle is fixed on Fridays with Oil and Incense of Venus.
Tiriel – Mercury [ORANGE]
Mercury and Wednesday. Healing and medicine, travel, the blind, nurses, physicians, medical workers, matchmakers, marriage, language, technology, magick (especially Hermeticism), and education.
This variation uses orange as the color of Mercury – a common modern color for the planet. This candle is fixed on Wednesdays with Oil and Incense of Mercury.
Tiriel – Mercury [RAINBOW]
Mercury and Wednesday. Healing and medicine, travel, the blind, nurses, physicians, medical workers, matchmakers, marriage, language, technology, magick (especially Hermeticism), and education.
This variation uses rainbow (multi-color) for Mercury – a more traditional Solomonic color for the planet. This candle is fixed on Wednesdays with Oil and Incense of Mercury.
Malkah – Lunar [PURPLE]
Moon and Monday. Dreams, visions, divination. the subconscious, emotions and happiness.
This variation uses purple as the color of Luna – a common modern color for the planet. This candle is fixed on Mondays with Oil and Incense of Luna.
Malkah – Lunar [WHITE]
Moon and Monday. Dreams, visions, divination. the subconscious, emotions and happiness.
This variation uses white and silver for Luna – more traditional Solomonic colors for the planet. This candle is fixed on Mondays with Oil and Incense of Luna.
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